The People's Security Survey (PSS) is a household survey conducted by the International Labour Orgnaisation's (ILO) Social Security Department (SECSOC). The survey seeks to track the seven forms of work-related security comprising decent work, as well as highlighting people's aspirations and sense of social justice. Between 2000 and 2003, these surveys were conducted in 15 countries and in 2005 these were conducted in three countries: Namibia, Mozambique and Sri Lanka. Because the survey instrument was being developed during that time, and for budgetary reasons, the samples and survey design varied. In some countries, a national representative survey was conducted; in others, representative samples were drawn only from selected regions or from urban areas only.
Kind of Data
Sample survey data [ssd]
Unit of Analysis
Units of analysis in the survey include households and individuals
Version Description
v1: Edited, anonymised dataset for public distribution
Version Date
The surveys examine both objective and subjective elements of people's security. The questions probe the following:
The socio-economic situation of the respondent and her/his household
People's perceptions of insecurity and security
Sources of socio economic insecurity for different social and demographic groups
Actual knowledge with regard to policies
Perceptions with regard to policies relating to socio economic security
Coping mechanisms
The survey covered 3 regions in Tanzania: Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Arusha
Geographic Unit
The data is at district and ward level
The universe of the survey was household members 16+
Producers and sponsors
Primary investigators
International Labour Organisation
Data Collection
Dates of Data Collection
Data Collection Mode
Face-to-face [f2f]
Data Collectors
Access policy
Access conditions
Public use files, accessible to all
Citation requirements
International Labour Organisation. People's Security Survey: Tanzania, 2001 [dataset]. Version 1. Geneva: International Labour Organisation [producer and distributor], 2003.