Poverty and Inequality in South Africa: Meeting the Challenge

Type Book
Title Poverty and Inequality in South Africa: Meeting the Challenge
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2000
Publisher David Philip
City Cape Town
Country/State South Africa
URL https://www.amazon.com/Poverty-Inequality-South-Africa-Challenge/dp/1856498085
The new South Africa has encountered some successes, but also many disappointments since the democratic transition of the 1990s, including the obdurate continuation of extreme poverty and huge inequality. This book is based on a recent major report prepared by South African researchers for Thabo Mbeki, now the country’s President. It presents a comprehensive portrait of the facts of South African poverty, examining the state of the country in terms of education and training, health care, HIV/AIDS, malnutriton, welfare, crime, as well as access to services like water, sanitation, energy, transport and communications.

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