Integrating food security information in national statistical systems: experiences, achievements, challenges

Type Report
Title Integrating food security information in national statistical systems: experiences, achievements, challenges
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
Page numbers 0-0
Publisher Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
City Rome
Country/State Italy
Data collected in accordance with the complex of criteria governing food and
nutrition security provide elements for identifying what food security information,
statistics and indicators are best suited to the formulation of food and nutrition
security policies (FNSP) in developing countries. Data sources come from food
production surveys and trade administrative records that are used to estimate
domestic supply of food commodities for human consumption in terms of FBS.
The main source for food consumption, however, is restricted to data on private
consumption in households as collected in national HBS. Food security information
relates to energy and energy-yielding macronutrients, amino acids essential for an
assessment of protein quality, as well as vitamins and minerals deriving from food
commodities. These are supplied and estimated using FBS data and acquired by
households using HBS data. The formulation of FNSP is based on current status and
trends in domestic food supply at the national level. These policies can, however, be
fine-tuned by using regional status and trends derived from food security information
from HBS where this contrasts with production data. Examples are taken from
countries in different continents. This diversity highlights the importance of these
statistics as a basis for decision-making processes which have an impact on the food
and nutritional status of different populations. This information is relevant to the
formulation of policy on agricultural production, agro-industry and trade in relation
to domestic food supply. It also helps to assess the impact of interventions affecting
the demand for food by population groups.

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