Gender violence

Type Report
Title Gender violence
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2003
Page numbers 0-0
Publisher Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Health, Kenya Medical Research Institute, ORC Macro
In recent years, there has been increasing concern about violence against women in general and domestic violence in particular, in both developed and developing countries. Not only has domestic violence against women been acknowledged worldwide as a violation of the basic human rights of women, but an increasing amount of research highlights the health burdens, intergenerational effects, and demographic consequences of such violence (United Nations General Assembly, 1991; Heise et al., 1994, 1998; Jejeebhoy, 1998). Gender-based violence occurs across all socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, and in many societies, including Kenya, women are socialised to accept, tolerate, and even rationalise domestic violence and to remain silent about such experiences (Zimmerman, 1994). Violence of any kind has a serious impact on the economy of a country; because women bear the brunt of domestic violence, they bear the health and psychological burdens as well. Victims of domestic violence are abused inside what should be the most secure environment—their own homes. To stop this violence, which sometimes causes great physical harm, death, psychological abuse, separation, divorce, and a host of other social ills, the Kenyan government has enacted the National Commission on Gender and Development Act of 2003 to help in the coordination and mainstreaming of gender concerns in national development. The Children Act of 2001 also classifies children exposed to domestic violence and female circumcision as children in need of care and protection.

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