Micro-enterprise predicament in township economic development: Evidence from Ivory Park and Tembisa

Type Journal Article - South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences
Title Micro-enterprise predicament in township economic development: Evidence from Ivory Park and Tembisa
Volume 20
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2017
Page numbers 1-15
URL http://www.sajems.org/index.php/sajems/article/view/1617/811
In South Africa, the idea that the township economy needs to be ‘revitalised’ has begun to gain significant political traction. The Gauteng provincial government has responded to this challenge by setting out a strategy that promises to channel resources and create opportunities for micro-enterprises. The paper responds to development interventions such as this through interrogating the nature of the challenges facing micro-enterprises that need to be overcome in South African townships.

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