Opening Access to Urban Food Security Data in Africa from the Hungry Cities Partnership

Type Working Paper - HCP Discussion Paper
Title Opening Access to Urban Food Security Data in Africa from the Hungry Cities Partnership
Volume 60
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2023
Page numbers 1-20
The Hungry Cities Partnership (HCP) initiated a 7-year programme of food system research in eight cities of the Global South in January 2015: Mexico City, Mexico; Kingston, Jamaica; Windhoek, Namibia; Cape Town, South Africa; Maputo, Mozambique; Nairobi, Kenya; Bangalore, India; and Nanjing, China. This paper describes the research process in the four African cities of Cape Town, Maputo, Nairobi, and Windhoek.
The HCP data provide rich and context-specific information useful in avoiding generalizations in theory and inserting a Southern and African perspective into wider food studies and global policy debates. The paper describes and compares the survey methodology in the four cities and then, as a legacy for other researchers, the process of preparing the data sets for open access at an institutional repository, Datafirst.

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