
Showing 1-6 of 6
Journal Article
Pauw, Kalie, Cecilia Punt, Melt van Schoor, Benedict Gilimani, Lillian Rantho, Scott McDonald, Lindsay Chant, and Christine Valente. "Creating a 2000 IES-LFS database in Stata." PROVIDE Technical Paper Series (2005).
Working Paper
Punt, Cecilia, Kalie Pauw, Esther Mohube, Benedict Gilimani, Lillian Rantho, Rosemary Leaver, Scott McDonald, Lindsay Chant, and Christine Valente. "Household expenditure patterns in South Africa -1995." PROVIDE Project Background Paper (2003).
Journal Article
Mlatsheni, Cecilia Murray, and Leibbrandt. "Youth unemployment in South Africa: Challenges, concepts and opportunities." Journal of International Relations and Development 14, no. 1 (2011): 118-126.
Journal Article
García-Penalosa, Cecilia, and Maty Konte. "Why are women less democratic than men? Evidence from sub-saharan African countries." World Development (2014).
Working Paper
POGGI, Cecilia, Sveva Vitellozzi, Lucia Ferrone, and Frank Otchere. "Switching Roles: Gender differences in time use and mental health in Ghana." (2024).
Showing 1-6 of 6