
Showing 1-10 of 10
Thesis or Dissertation
Twumasi, Ebenezer. "The economic impact of Hiv/Aids on labour and capital on the Ghanaian economy." Masters, KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2011.
Journal Article
Ebenezer, Megbowon. "Urban household food security: an assessment of the correlates of micronutrient-sensitive dietary diversity." Journal of Developing Areas 56, no. 2 (2022).
Journal Article
Megbowon T, Ebenezer. "Activity and tobacco smoking on labor market outcomes in South Africa." Economies 12, no. 1 (2023).
Journal Article
Megbowon T, Ebenezer. "Sociodemographic predictors of smoking behaviour uptake and persistence among adults in South Africa." International Journal of Development and Sustainability 13, no. 12 (2024): 1046-1058.
Journal Article
Agyepong, Irene A, Patricia Anafi, Ebenezer Asiamah, Evelyn K Ansah, Daniel A Ashon, and Christiana Narh-Dometey. "Health worker (internal customer) satisfaction and motivation in the public sector in Ghana." The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 19, no. 4 (2004): 319-336.
Journal Article
Megbowon T, Ebenezer. "Assessment of food security among households in Eastern Cape province, South Africa: Evidence from General Household Survey, 2014." International Journal of Social Economics 45, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Megbowon, Ebenezer T, Oadipo O David, and Jabulile L Makhalima. "Behavioral Risk Factor and Primary Healthcare Utilization in South Africa." Healthcare 10, no. 11 (2022).
Journal Article
Nutakor, Jonathan A, Lulin Zhou, Ebenezer Larnyo, Stephen Addai-Dansoh, and Debashree Tripura. "Socioeconomic status and quality of life: An assessment of the mediating effect of social capital." Healthcare (2023).
Book Section
Megbowon, Ebenezer T, Oladipo O David, and Jabulile Makhalima. "Economics of Healthcare, Studies and Cases." Household head smoking behavior and household food insecurity in South Africa: Evidence from National Income Dynamics Study Survey (2024).
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