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Working Paper
Turok, Ivan, and Justin Visagie.
The Covid-19 crisis has amplified spatial inequalities
Econ3x3 (2020).
Leste, André, Justin Valentin, and Françoise Hoareau.
The SACMEQ II Project in Seychelles: A study of the conditions of schooling and the quality of education
Harare, Zimbabwe: SACMEQ, 2005.
Journal Article
Cheeseman, Nic, Gabrielle Lynch, and Justin Willis.
Ghana: The ebbing power of incumbency
Journal of Democracy 28, no. 2 (2017): 92-104.
Working Paper
Turok, Ivan, Josh Budlender , and Justin Visagie.
The role of informal urban settlements in upward mobility
DPRU Working Paper 201701 , no. 201701 (2017).
Journal Article
Visagie, Justin, and Dorrit Posel.
A reconsideration of what and who is middle class in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 30, no. 2 (2013): 149-167.
Journal Article
Idahosa, Love, and Justin Van Dijk.
South Africa: Freedom for whom? Inequality, unemployment and the elderly
Development 58, no. 1 (2015): 96-102.
Working Paper
Visagie, Justin.
Race, gender and growth of the affluent middle class in post-Apartheid South Africa
ERSA working paper 395 , no. 395 (2013).
Journal Article
Turok, Ivan, Joshua Budlender, and Justin Visagie.
Urban slums and social mobility
Development Policy Review (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Stevens T, Justin.
Does meeting expectations of relative income improve well-being?
Masters thesis, The University Of Montana, 2019.
Working Paper
Visagie, Justin, and Ivan Turok.
The uneven geography of the COVID-19 crisis
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper , no. 14 (2020).
Journal Article
Visagie, Justin, and Ivan Turok.
Rural–urban inequalities amplified by COVID-19: evidence from South Africa
Area Development and Policy 0, no. 0 (2020).
Journal Article
Turok, Ivan, and Justin Visagie.
COVID-19 amplifies urban inequalities
South African Journal of Science 117, no. 3/4 (2021).
Working Paper
Visagie, Justin, and Ivan Turok.
Driven further apart by the pandemic? Contrasting impacts of COVID-19 on people and places
NIDS-CRAM Working Paper (2021).
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, James Levinsohn, and Justin McCrary.
Incomes in South Africa after the fall of Apartheid
Journal of Globalization and Development 1, no. 1 (2005): 1-60.
Journal Article
Stoler, Justin, Günther Fink, John R Weeks, Richard Otoo, Joseph Ampofo, and Allan Hill.
When urban taps run dry: Sachet water consumption and health effects in low income neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana
Health & Place (2011).
Journal Article
Lessler, Justin, C. J Metcalf, Rebecca F Grais, Francisco J Luquero, Derek Cummings, and Bryan Grenfell.
Measuring the performance of vaccination programs using cross-sectional surveys: A likelihood framework and retrospective analysis
PLoS Medicine 8, no. 10 (2011): e1001-0.
Journal Article
Durandt, Justin, Mervin Green, Herman Masimla, and Mike Lambert.
Changes in body mass, stature and BMI in South African elite U18 Rugby players from different racial groups from 2002--2012
Journal of Sports Sciences (2017).
Journal Article
Turok, Ivan, and Justin Visagie.
The divergent pathways of the pandemic within South African cities
Development Southern Africa 0, no. 0 (2022): 1-24.
Journal Article
Masamba, Justin B, Patience M Balomba, and Charles K Savy.
Analysis of the satisfaction of household users of the improved cooking stove and liquefied petroleum gas in Kinshasa, Congo /Analyse de la satisfaction des menages utilisateurs du foyer ameliore et du gaz du petrole liquefie a Kinshasa
European Journal of Social Sciences Studies 9, no. 2 (2023): 136-154.
Journal Article
Masamba, Justin B, Patience M Balomba, Hervé N Nsakala, and Charles K Savy.
État des lieux de l’utilisation des énergies de cuisson dans les ménages de Kinshasa : analyse de la substitution du bois-énergie
Bois et forêts des tropiques 355, no. 1 (2023): 35-46.
Showing 1-20 of 20