
Showing 1-4 of 4
Maryna, Storie. Dangerous development on dolomite: Spatial considerations. South Africa: EE Publishers, 2017.
Working Paper
Meth, Charles. "Sticking to the facts: Official and unofficial stories about poverty and unemployment in South Africa." DPRU Working Paper 07/123 , no. 07/123 (2007).
Thesis or Dissertation
Howard, Kim. "Born-free narratives: Life stories and identity construction of South African township youth." PhD Thesis, University of the Witwatersrand, 2016.
Journal Article
Quinn, Victoria J, Agnès B Guyon, Joan W Schubert, Maryanne Stone-Jimenez, Michael Hainsworth, and Luann Martin. "Improving breastfeeding practices on a broad scale at the community level: success stories from Africa and Latin America." Journal of human lactation 21, no. 3 (2005): 345-0.
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