
Showing 1-9 of 9
Journal Article
Sunil, T.S., and V.K. Pillai. "Sterility in Zambia." Annals of human biology 29, no. 4 (2002): 414-421.
Kruger, Vannessa, and Sipho Buthelezi. Eastern Cape border/Ciskei regional profile. 1994.
Journal Article
Pillai, Vijayan K, T.S. Sunil, and Rashmi Gupta. "AIDS prevention in Zambia: Implications for social services." World Development 31, no. 1 (2003): 149-161.
Conference Paper
Kruger, T, and K Landman. "Crime and public transport: designing a safer journey." 26th Annual Southern African Transport (SATC) Conference and Exhibition. Pretoria, South Africa, July, 2007.
Conference Paper
Kruger, Tinus. "Building safer communities – reducing crime through environmental planning and design." World Congress on Housing Transforming Housing Environments through Design. Pretori, South Africa, September , 2005.
Journal Article
Kruger, Tinus, and Karina Landman. "Crime and the physical environment in South Africa: Contextualizing international crime prevention experiences." Built Environment 34, no. 1 (2008): 75-87.
Journal Article
Kruger, Lara, Corne van Walbeek, and Nichole Vellios. "Waterpipe and Cigarette Smoking among University Students in the Western Cape, South Africa." American Journal of Health Behavior 40, no. 4 (2016): 416-426.
Wills, Gabrielle, Rebecca Selkirk, and John Kruger. School completion, the matric and postschool transitions in South Africa. Stellenbosch, South Africa: Research on Socio-Economic Policy (RESEP), 2024.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kruger J, Ken. "Investigating transitory and chronic poverty in South Africa, 2008-2015." Master of Commerce in Economics , University of the Western Cape , 2018.
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